What will be included in the report?
So much more than a standard level 2 survey!
The HomePlus Digital survey is delivered directly to your device.
You have direct access to a report
objectively describing the condition of the building, its services and grounds, and an assessment of the relative importance of any defects or problems.
Defects and problems are allocated a traffic-light (Red, Amber or Green) so you can immediately see high priority problems.
It will include basic advice about repairs and any ongoing maintenance issues, as well as photos that you can zoom in on, and send to a Checkatrade company to obtain quotes.
With the current EPC report, and energy efficiency rating, the surveyor will check for any obvious discrepancies between the EPC and the property and explain the implications. You will also have information about energy costs, and the costs and future savings of any proposed energy improvements. – Brought to you in collaboration with the Energy Saving Trust.
The report will also highlight any relevant legal issues and/or obvious risks to the building, people, or grounds. The surveyor will be able to provide advice on suitable additional services where the homeowner / home buyer is planning on refurbishment work.
With additional insight from property Detective, you will also find information about the neighbourhood, including local schools, transport links, broadband provision and crime rates.